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Byzantine, A pair of Byzantine gold earrings, circa 6th - 8th century AD£ 6,000.00
Egyptian, An Egyptian faience seated dog, New Kingdom, circa 1200 BC£ 6,500.00
Egyptian, A necklace of Egyptian faience udjat eye beads, New Kingdom, Amarna Period, circa 1350 BC£ 7,500.00
Greek, A Greek black-glazed jug, Magna Graecia, circa 4th century BC£ 2,200.00
Greek, A Greek black-glazed mug, Magna Graecia, circa 4th - 3rd century BC£ 4,000.00
Greek, A Greek bronze votive bull, Geometric period, circa 8th century BC£ 2,000.00
Greek, A Greek bronze votive horse, Geometric period, circa 8th century BC£ 3,000.00
Greek, An Attic oinochoe in the form of a female head, circa 500-450 BC£ 6,000.00
Greek, A Greek black-glazed mug, circa 4th century BC£ 1,000.00
Parthian, A pair of Parthian gold earrings, circa 2nd century BC - 2nd century AD£ 5,500.00
Roman, A Roman terracotta Campana relief fragment, Late Republican to Augustan, late 1st century BC - early 1st century AD£ 6,000.00
Roman, A Roman terracotta Campana relief fragment, Late 1st century BC - early 1st century AD£ 6,500.00
Roman, A Roman terracotta Campana relief fragment, Late 1st century BC - early 1st century AD£ 2,500.00
Roman, A Roman gold necklace, circa 2nd century AD£ 2,200.00
Roman, A Roman banded agate intaglio of Diana, set in an antique gold ring, circa 1st century BC - 1st century AD£ 5,000.00
Roman, A Hellenistic marble head of Tyche, Circa 1st century BC£ 3,500.00
Roman, A Roman garnet intaglio of a Bacchic follower, set in an antique rose gold ring, circa 1st - 2nd century AD£ 2,200.00
Roman, A Roman polychrome wall painting fresco fragment of a bird, circa 15 BC - AD 50£ 8,000.00
Sasanian, A Sasanian garnet intaglio of a woman, set in an antique gold and diamond ring, circa 6th - 7th century AD£ 4,000.00
Western Asiatic, A pair of Western-Asiatic penannular gold hoop earrings, circa 1st millennium BC£ 5,500.00
Roman, A Roman gold double ring, circa 2nd - 3rd century AD£ 1,500.00
Roman, A Graeco-Roman garnet and gold amulet of a sandal, circa 2nd century BC - 1st century AD£ 3,500.00
Roman, A Roman pale chalcedony intaglio of Zeus-Serapis set in an antique gold ring, Circa 1st-2nd century AD£ 4,500.00
Greek, An Attic black-figure white-ground lekythos, attributed to the Beldam workshop, Early 5th century BC£ 1,800.00
South Italian, A Greek red-figure owl skyphos, South Italy, circa 4th century BC£ 4,000.00
Jaron James, A photographic print of a Roman mosaic glass fragment, multi, 2022£ 720.00
Jaron James, A photographic print of a Roman mosaic glass fragment, blue, 2022£ 720.00
Jaron James, A photographic print of a Roman mosaic glass fragment, blue & white, 2022£ 720.00
Jaron James, A photographic print of a Roman mosaic glass fragment, green & yellow, 2022£ 720.00
Jaron James, A photographic print of a Roman mosaic glass fragment, red, 2022£ 600.00
Jaron James, A photographic print of iridescent Roman glass, 2022£ 600.00
Jaron James, A photographic print of Roman mosaic glass fragments, amber, 2022£ 540.00
Jaron James, A photographic print of Roman mosaic glass fragments, blue, 2022£ 540.00
Jaron James, A photographic print of Roman mosaic glass fragments, green, 2022£ 540.00
Jaron James, A photographic print of Roman mosaic glass fragments, multi black, 2022£ 540.00
Jaron James, A photographic print of Roman mosaic glass fragments, blue & white, 2022£ 720.00
Jaron James, A photographic print of Roman mosaic glass fragments, multi white, 2022£ 720.00
Mesopotamian, A Mesopotamian clay cuneiform foundation cone inscribed for King Sin-Kashid of Uruk, Sumerian, circa 1900 - 1700 BC£ 3,800.00
Graeco-Roman, A Greek banded agate intaglio of a ram, circa 1st century BC£ 2,000.00
Roman, A pair of Roman gold and green glass earrings, circa 1st - 3rd century AD£ 1,500.00
Roman, A Roman banded agate intaglio of a charioteer and biga set in an antique gold ring, circa 1st - 2nd century AD£ 2,500.00
Greek, A Greek black-glazed Gnathian ware pottery lekythos, South Italy, circa 4th century BC£ 3,500.00
Roman, A Roman nicolo intaglio of a warrior set in an antique gold ring, circa 2nd - 3rd century AD£ 7,000.00
Roman, A Roman carnelian intaglio of a satyr before a trophy set in modern gold ring, circa 1st - 2nd century AD£ 4,500.00
Roman, A Roman red jasper intaglio ring with a gryllos, circa 2nd - 3rd century AD£ 5,500.00
Egyptian, An Egyptian bifacial flint knife, Predynastic to Middle Kingdom, circa 3000 - 2000 BC£ 2,500.00
Roman, A pair of Byzantine gold, amethyst and pearl earrings, circa 4th - 5th century AD£ 3,200.00
Egyptian, An Egyptian red breccia jar, Predynastic to Early Dynastic, Nagada II - 1st Dynasty, circa 3500 - 2900 BC£ 5,500.00
Near Eastern, A Near Eastern serpentine mace head, circa 3rd Millennium BC£ 3,000.00
Egyptian, An Egyptian alabaster three-part kohl jar, Middle Kingdom, 12th Dynasty, circa 1938-1756 BC£ 2,000.00
Roman, A pair of Roman gold and amber glass bird earrings, circa 2nd - 4th century AD£ 1,800.00
Greek, An Attic red-figure askos with geese, circa 4th century BC£ 4,000.00
Greek, A Greek silver tetradrachm of Athens set in an 18 ct gold pendant, Classical Period, circa 454-404 BC£ 3,500.00
Greek, A Greek silver didrachm of Rhodes, set in an 18ct gold pendant with diamonds, Late Classical to Hellenistic Period, circa 340 - 316 BC£ 4,000.00
Roman, A Roman onyx cameo of Eros set in an antique gold ring, circa 2nd - 3rd century AD£ 2,500.00
Roman, A Roman carnelian intaglio of a warrior and trophy set in a gold ring, circa 1st century AD (intaglio)£ 5,500.00
Roman, A Roman carnelian intaglio of a satyr set in an antique gold ring, circa 2nd - 3rd century AD, the mount late 19th - early 20th century£ 2,500.00
Roman, A large Roman banded agate astrological intaglio set in a modern gold ring, circa 1st century AD £ 6,000.00
Greek, An Attic pottery amphoriskos in the form of an almond, circa 4th century BC£ 8,500.00
Roman, A Roman aubergine and white 'marbled' glass bottle, Eastern Mediterranean, circa 1st century AD£ 5,500.00
Roman, A Roman pale amber glass bottle, Eastern Mediterranean, circa 1st century AD£ 3,000.00
Anatolian, An Anatolian marble idol, Beycesultan type, circa 3200 - 2800 BC£ 5,000.00
Cypriot, A large Cypriot black on red ware pottery bowl, Cypro - Archaic, circa 750 - 600 BC£ 4,000.00
Egyptian, An Egyptian hieratic inscribed linen fragment from the Book of the Dead, Ptolemaic, circa 3rd - 2nd century BC£ 3,000.00
Greek, A large Greek glass core-formed bead, Eastern Mediterranean, circa 5th-3rd Century BC£ 500.00
Greek, A Phoenician glass core-formed eye bead, Eastern Mediterranean, circa 5th-3rd Century BC£ 500.00
Roman, A Roman amber glass acetabulum cup, Eastern Mediterranean, circa 1st-2nd century AD£ 3,500.00
Roman, A Roman banded agate intaglio of a man seated at herm set in an antique gold ring, circa 1st century AD£ 6,000.00
Roman, A Roman agate cameo of Eros set in an antique gold ring, circa 2nd century AD£ 2,500.00
Greek, A Hellenistic carnelian intaglio of horse set in an antique gold fob, circa 1st century BC£ 2,500.00
Greek, An Attic pottery tankard, Late Geometric IIB, circa 8th century BC£ 1,500.00
Egyptian, An Egyptian polychrome painted cartonnage sarcophagus fragment, Third Intermediate Period, circa 1070 - 702 BC£ 1,200.00
Egyptian, An Egyptian basalt head of a queen or goddess, Hellenistic, Ptolemaic dynasty, circa 300 - 30 BC£ 4,000.00
Greek, A Greek terracotta seated female figure, Hellenistic, circa 3rd century BC£ 7,000.00
Bactrian, A pair of Bactrian gold earrings, Late 3rd - Early 2nd millennium BC£ 1,600.00
Egyptian, A group of five Egyptian fly amulets, New Kingdom, circa 1200 BC£ 3,000.00
Egyptian, An Egyptian limestone relief fragment of a vulture, Late Period, circa 664 - 332 BC£ 8,000.00
Greek, A Corinthian black-figure pottery ring aryballos, Middle Corinthian, circa 600 - 575 BC£ 6,000.00
Greek, An Attic black-glazed mug, Classical, circa 5th century BC£ 5,000.00
Greek, A Greek terracotta head of a kore, Archaic, circa 5th century BC£ 4,000.00
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