Eye of the Collector

Eye Viewing room


12-31 MAY 2020


Eye of the Collector has launched the Eye Viewing Room today, 12 May. This was the original date for the fair's inaugural edition at Two Temple Place. We are delighted to be participating in this online platform, and we look forward to partcipating in physical fair rescheduled for September. 


The Eye Viewing Room presents a curated selection of works chosen in collaboration with twenty one international galleries to showcase their particular expertise and knowledge. Spanning ancient to contemporary, the Eye Viewing Room is boutique in format and reflects the fair's ethos of connoisseurship and diversity. 


Each gallery has carefully selected three artworks that have been set against the beautiful  virtual backdrop of Two Temple Place on the Embankment in London. 


Click here to access the Kallos viewing room, or visit eyeofthecollector.com to register. 

May 12, 2020