An Attic black-figure white-ground lekythos, attributed to the Beldam workshop, Early 5th century BC
Height: 15.6 cm
The offering vessel with white painted body, disc foot and funnel lip. Decorated with a black figure panel of geometric lattice net decoration above and below a central floral wreath...
The offering vessel with white painted body, disc foot and funnel lip. Decorated with a black figure panel of geometric lattice net decoration above and below a central floral wreath of ivy chain with berries. The lower part of the foot, neck and mouth reserved, with the shoulder decorated with black figure strokes.
Condition: Some wear throughout but the white ground and painted decoration is well preserved. Repairs to handle and neck. Minor infill to chips at the foot and mouth.
Condition: Some wear throughout but the white ground and painted decoration is well preserved. Repairs to handle and neck. Minor infill to chips at the foot and mouth.
Christie's, London, 13 July 1983, lot 296With Royal Athena Galleries, New York
David F. Hoff Collection, Virginia, USA, acquired in the 1990s
This lekythos is of a type produced in Athens in the workshop of the Beldam Painter until the middle of the 5th century BC. In addition to the characteristic pattern-work, note the typical ‘wet-incised’ lines on the lower wall. For similar pattern-lekythoi of the Workshop of the Beldam Painter, see C.H.E. Haspels, Attic Black-figured Lekythoi, Paris, 1936, 181ff., C. Boulter, Hesperia 22, 1953, 71, no. 21, and D.C. Kurtz, Athenian White Lekythoi, Oxford, 1975, 153-155 and pl. 70, 5-6. B.