Greek, An Attic black-glazed calyx krater, Circa 4th century BC
Greek, An Attic red-figure lekythos, attributed to the Icarus Painter, circa 5th century BC
Greek, An Attic white-ground lekythos, attributed to the Sabouroff Painter, Classical, circa 470 - 440 BC
Greek, A set of two Greek black-glazed bowls, Hellenistic, circa 3rd century BC
Greek, An Attic red-figure column krater, attributed to the Duomo Painter, Classical Period, circa 440 - 430 BC
Greek, An Attic white-ground amphora of the Light Make Class, attributed to the Pescia Painter, circa 525 - 475 BC
Greek, An Attic black-figure amphora of Type B, Archaic, circa 540 BC
Greek, A Hellenistic black-glazed West Slope Ware pottery skyphos, Pergamon, early 1st century BC
Greek, An Attic red-figure kylix, attributed to the Pithos Painter, circa 525 - 475 BC
Greek, A Greek red-figure bell krater, attributed to the Creusa Painter, Lucanian, circa 390 - 370 BC
Hellenistic, A Hellenistic pottery footed pyxis, Sicily, Centuripe, circa 3rd-2nd century BC
South Italian, An Apulian Xenon ware prochous, South Italy, circa 4th century BC£ 5,500.00
Greek, An Attic black-figure lekythos, near to the Group of the Cracow Peleus, circa 525 - 475 BC
Greek, A Corinthian black-figure pottery ring aryballos, Middle Corinthian, circa 600 - 575 BC£ 6,000.00
Greek, An Attic black-glazed mug, Classical, circa 5th century BC£ 5,000.00
Greek, An Attic black-glazed stemless kylix, Circa 480 - 450 BC£ 5,800.00
Greek, A large Corinthian pottery aryballos, attributed to the Painter of Berlin F 1090, circa 580 BC
Greek, An Attic red-figure neck amphora, attributed to the Painter of the Louvre Centauromachy, Classical, circa 475 - 450 BC
Greek, A Greek red-figure hydria, attributed to the Circle of the Darius and Underworld Painters, Apulian, circa 350 - 340 BC
Greek, A Corinthian black-figure pottery krater, Early 6th century BC
Greek, An Attic black-figure lekythos, attributed to the Athena Painter, circa 500 - 475 BC
Greek, An Attic red-figure bell krater, Late Classical, circa 430 - 400 BC
Greek, An Attic red-figure chous, attributed to the workshop of the Painter of the Ferrara Choes, Late Classical, circa 380 - 360 BC
Greek, An Attic pottery amphoriskos in the form of an almond, circa 4th century BC£ 8,500.00
Hellenistic, A Greek parcel-gilt silver bowl, Eastern Hellenistic, circa 2nd - 1st century BC
Greek, An Attic black-glazed Vi-cup, Early Classical, circa 470 BC
Greek, An Attic red-figure hydria, Classical, circa 425 BC
Graeco-Roman, A large Graeco-Roman bronze jug, circa 2nd century BC - 1st century AD
Greek, A Greek black-figure neck amphora, attributed to the Phineus Painter, Chalcidian, circa 550-530 BC
Greek, An East Greek lip cup, Archaic, Ionia, circa 575 BC
Greek, A pair of Greek pottery lydia, Archaic, circa 600 - 550 BC
Greek, An Attic black-figure amphora of Type B, attributed to the manner of the Princeton Painter, Archaic, circa 540 - 520 BC