Roman, A Roman blue-green conical glass beaker, circa 3rd Century AD£ 3,500.00
Roman, A small Roman cobalt blue glass acetabulum cup, Eastern Mediterranean or Italy, circa 1st century AD£ 3,200.00
Roman, A Roman gold necklace with a lunula pendant, Circa 1st - 2nd century AD
Greek, A Greek terracotta head of Pan, Hellenistic, circa 3rd century BC
Roman, A Roman gold and emerald necklace and earrings set, circa 3rd century AD
Egyptian, An Egyptian bifacial flint knife, Predynastic to Middle Kingdom, circa 3000 - 2000 BC£ 2,500.00
Greek, An Attic red-figure lekythos, attributed to the Icarus Painter, circa 5th century BC
Greek, An Attic white-ground amphora of the Light Make Class, attributed to the Pescia Painter, circa 525 - 475 BC
South Italian, An Apulian Xenon ware prochous, South Italy, circa 4th century BC£ 5,500.00
Greek, A Corinthian black-figure pottery ring aryballos, Middle Corinthian, circa 600 - 575 BC£ 6,000.00
Bactrian, A pair of Bactrian gold earrings, Late 3rd - Early 2nd millennium BC£ 1,600.00
Roman, A Roman blue-green glass handled ribbed cup, Western Empire, early 2nd century AD£ 6,000.00
Roman, A Roman pale green glass flask, Circa 3rd - 4th century AD£ 4,200.00
Greek, An Attic black-glazed mug, Classical, circa 5th century BC£ 5,000.00
Byzantine, A Byzantine pale blue-green glass stemmed goblet, Circa 5th - 6th century AD£ 3,500.00
Roman, A miniature Roman iridescent blue glass bottle, Circa 2nd - 3rd century AD£ 1,800.00
Roman, A Roman green glass amphora, Western Empire, possibly Rhineland or Gaul, circa 3rd-4th Century AD£ 7,500.00
Graeco-Roman, A Graeco-Roman gold pendant of Eros, Hellenistic to Roman, circa 1st century BC - 1st century AD£ 7,000.00
Roman, A Roman pale green glass engraved flask, circa 3rd - 4th century AD£ 8,000.00
Roman, A Graeco-Roman garnet and gold amulet of a sandal, circa 2nd century BC - 1st century AD£ 3,500.00
South Italian, A Greek red-figure owl skyphos, South Italy, circa 4th century BC£ 4,000.00
Egyptian, A group of nine Egyptian hardstone beetle amulets, Middle Kingdom, 11th – 12th Dynasty, circa 2000 - 1800 BC
Roman, A Roman gold ring, circa 3rd century AD£ 2,500.00
Roman, A Roman gold double ring, circa 2nd - 3rd century AD£ 1,500.00
Greek, An Attic black-figure white-ground lekythos, attributed to the Beldam workshop, Early 5th century BC£ 1,800.00
Roman, A Roman marble foot of a child, circa 1st - 2nd century AD£ 5,500.00
Mycenaean, A Mycenaean terracotta bull, circa 1400 - 1200 BC£ 4,300.00
Greek, A Greek terracotta head of a kore, Archaic, circa 5th century BC£ 4,000.00