Each of punched sheet gold with defined details. Of various forms including a winged uraeus, a vulture with shen signs in each talon, a crook, a collar, a cow-headed Hathor,...
Each of punched sheet gold with defined details. Of various forms including a winged uraeus, a vulture with shen signs in each talon, a crook, a collar, a cow-headed Hathor, a falcon, a (Ba?) bird, a djed pillar, a heart, and a usekh collar with falcon head terminals.
Hans Blaser Collection, Kloten, Zurich, acquired in the 1970s With Galerie Nefer, Zurich, 1991
Private collection, Switzerland
On Loan: Antikenmuseum Basel & Sammlung Ludwig, 1998 – 2022.
Such amulets were funerary, and the Book of the Dead 'contains spells to be said over just such amulets and instructions for their placement on the mummy'. For example, Spell 155 refers to 'a djed pillar of gold': B. Fay, Ancient Egyptian Jewellery, Berlin, 1990, pp. 37-40. For a similar group of Late Dynastic sheet gold amulets in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, see acc. nos. 23.10.19-68.