Greek, A Greek bronze statue of Athena, Hellenistic, circa 3rd century BC
Egyptian, A Greek marble bust of Serapis, Hellenistic Period, circa 2nd - 1st century BC
Hellenistic, A Greek bronze figure of a ruler, possibly Antiochus VII Euergetes Sidetes, Hellenistic, circa 2nd century BC
Roman, A Roman marble fragmentary portrait head, probably of Elagabalus, circa AD 218 – 222
Etruscan, An Etruscan terracotta head of a youth of the Alexander the Great type, Late 4th - 3rd century BC
Hellenistic, A Hellenistic bronze figure of Herakles smiting the Hydra, Circa 3rd - 2nd century BC
Roman, A Roman marble portrait head of Antinous, Hadrianic, circa AD 135
Roman, A Gallo-Roman bronze figure of Taranis-Jupiter, circa 2nd - 3rd century AD
Etruscan, An Etruscan bronze mirror, Circa 3rd century BC
Hellenistic, A Greek bronze figure of a ruler as Herakles possibly Ptolemy II or Antiochus IV, Hellenistic, circa 3rd-2nd century BC
Roman, A Roman bronze figure of Aphrodite, circa 1st - 2nd century AD
Roman, A Roman marble 'Lion Hunt' sarcophagus fragment, Imperial, circa 3rd century AD
Roman, A Roman marble torso of Apollo, Circa 2nd - 3rd century AD
Hellenistic, A Greek bronze figure of Alexander the Great, Hellenistic, circa 3rd - 2nd century BC
Greek, A Greek marble head of a youth, Hellenistic, circa 3rd century BC
Hellenistic, A Greek bronze figure of Alexander Doryphoros, Hellenistic, circa 3rd - 2nd century BC
Greek, A Greek marble female head, Hellenistic, circa 4th - 3rd century BC
Etruscan, An Etruscan bronze figure of Herakles, Late Classical, circa 300 BC
Greek, A Greek terracotta head of Pan, Hellenistic, circa 3rd century BC
Roman, A Roman marble fragmentary head of a sleeping woman, circa 2nd century AD
Graeco-Roman, A Graeco-Roman marble pomegranate, circa 1st century AD£ 9,500.00
Greek, A large Greek terracotta figure of Aphrodite, Hellenistic, circa 3rd - 1st century BC
Greek, A Greek terracotta seated female figure, Hellenistic, circa 3rd century BC£ 7,000.00
Greek, A Greek terracotta head of Aphrodite, Hellenistic, circa 3rd century BC
Greek, A Greek terracotta draped female figure, circa 4th - 3rd century BC
Greek, A Greek terracotta votive basin fragment, Sicily, Archaic, circa 525 - 500 BC
Roman, A Roman marble statue of Venus Genetrix, circa 1st century BC
Roman, A Roman bronze figure of Aphrodite, circa 1st century AD
Greek, A Greek terracotta draped female figure, Hellenistic, circa 3rd century BC
Etruscan, An Etruscan terracotta antefix of a satyr, circa 3rd - 2nd century BC
Roman, A Roman marble torso of a warrior, circa 2nd century AD£ 8,500.00
Roman, A Roman wood table leg, circa 1st - 2nd century AD
Roman, A Roman terracotta Campana relief fragment, Late 1st century BC - early 1st century AD£ 6,500.00
Roman, A Roman terracotta Campana relief fragment, Late 1st century BC - early 1st century AD£ 2,500.00
Roman, A Roman terracotta Campana relief of a marine thiasos, Roman Imperial, circa 1st century AD
Roman, A Roman terracotta Campana relief fragment, Late Republican to Augustan, late 1st century BC - early 1st century AD
Greek, A Greek bronze votive bull, Geometric period, circa 8th century BC£ 2,000.00
Greek, A Greek bronze votive horse, Geometric period, circa 8th century BC£ 3,000.00
Etruscan, An Etruscan bronze lion handle, early 5th century BC
Roman, A Hellenistic marble head of Tyche, Circa 1st century BC£ 3,500.00
Roman, A Roman terracotta Campana antefix fragment, Augustan, late 1st century BC - early 1st century AD